P7R public tenders
The subject of tenders are micro-loans for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The purpose of the tenders is to enable access to favourable financing resources for financing of SMEs furher growth and development, investments and current operation of the enterprise. The objectives of the public tender are to preserve existing jobs, promote the creation of new jobs and to promote the economic competitiveness of a specific region.
The tenders are published by the Slovenian Enterprise Fund.
Public tenders for affordable loans in development regions – Ribnica Regional Development Fund
The purpose of the instrument is to assist companies in their investment activities. Qualified companies may combine investment subsidies and affordable loans for investment purposes up to the maximum limit for state aid.
The subject of tenders is the allocation of affordable development loans from the aforementioned fund to projects with initial investments in development regions with high unemployment. The purpose of tenders is to promote entrepreneurial initial investments in development regions that generate positive effects in the areas of competition and jobs. The objective of tenders is to promote entrepreneurial activity, a market focus and the technological development of companies in aforementioned regions.